Hedge Planting

At the start of March we took delivery of 420 hedge trees donated by the Woodland Trust as part of their trees for communities scheme.

A number of trustees and volunteers gathered on 8th March, a chilly Saturday morning, to plant the hedging trees which covered approximately 100 metres around the edge of the new community orchard & nature reserve which we are creating on the land which is in the process of being transferred from Wiltshire Council to Pitton & Farley Parish Council on a 125 year lease. We will manage the land on behalf of the Parish Council.

Our tree pack consisted of a mix of hawthorn, rowan, wild cherry, hazel, silver birch and dogwood. When established this will create all year round colour with nuts and berries for birds and wildlife.

The new Community Orchard & Nature Reserve sits alongside the Wiltshire Council’s newly created permissive bridleway.  We have been told this is expected to open in late May, at which time the public can access the site to see the work that has been done.  When the site is open we will install a bench so you can sit and enjoy this new community space.