
On a recent visit to the site we were encouraged to spot a number of wildflowers including Cowslips and Common dog violets. As part of establishing a baseline of the site we will undertake regular surveys to see what other flowers appear. If you have skills in identifying wildflowers and would like to help survey… Continue reading Wildflowers


We are grateful to have the support of Dr Sue Clarke from the Wiltshire Branch of the Butterfly Conservation Trust. Sue undertook an initial survey of the Pitton Hill site on 4 April 2023. This identified the value of unimproved chalk downland and scrub as habitat for a number of butterfly species. In the past… Continue reading Butterflies

Bird Count

We are grateful for the support of local ornithologists Steve Oakes and John McCarthy. Steve undertakes surveys on a number of local nature reserves including Bentley Wood. He has agreed to visit the Pitton Hill site and do a survey in the coming months. John conducts surveys on estates locally. He visited Pitton Hill on… Continue reading Bird Count

Categorised as Birds, News

Pitton Hill

Following Chris and Tammy Humphrey’s recent purchase of part of Pitton Hill they are keen to explore how an area of their land could be used to create a nature reserve which will permit public access whilst encouraging nature. The process of registering a charity, Pitton Nature Trust, has commenced and discussions are ongoing with Chris and… Continue reading Pitton Hill

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